Here's how it all began....We left our local airport around 10:20AM (CDT). We arrived in Atlanta with no major drama. We left Atlanta for a loooong flight to Paris. About an hour into the flight the pilot announces that there's a medical emergency on board and if there is a doctor or nurse on board to please identify themselves. Well, out of over 200 passengers there's no doctor on board. 2 of the moms traveling with us are nurses-- Now these 2 just happen to be a little nervous about the flight anyway, so we were all laughing that they are the only medical professionals on the plane. But, their professionalism truly showed as they both were escorted to first class to assist the passenger. It seems that the man was a diabetic and was having complications from that and a stroke. He just also happened to be from our home state. After they get him stabilized, they were able to return to their seats. The flight crew was extremely gracious to them....thanking them numerous times, bringing their kids ice cream, and giving them travel packs, etc. Unfortunately, before we landed one of the nurses was called back to first class to again assist the passenger. We now think he was having TIAs or small strokes. As we arrived at the gate, paramedics boarded the plane and were ready to take him to a hospital. The pilot and other crew once again thanked the nurses and took some information from their tickets. My guess is that she will once again be thanked from Delta.
Now for the flight.....bumpy, bumpy landing!! It was raining pretty hard when we arrived and the wind was pretty bad. Let's all pray for a better landing on the route to Rome and thenhome!!
We arrived in Paris an hour earlier than expected (5:00AM)....thanks to those tailwinds! It was dark and we were surprised that the sun doesn't rise here until almost 8:00. The ride from the hotel was very pleasant. The hotel was kind enough to let us check in early. The rooms are SMALL, but that's normal for Europe. The hotel is right next to the train station which is cool.
So, what did we do with little or no sleep in the last 24 hours?.....We hit the road! We ventured out to the Eiffel Tower! Yes, we all went up to the 2nd level. It was pretty cool considering I'm afraid of heights! We have learned how to use the Metro---which is their subway system. It's also pretty cool. After the Eiffel Tower we had lunch in a sidewalk and pasta. After that we headed to Notre Dame Cathedral....That was AMAZING!! The steward on the plane told us there would be a High Mass at 4:00, so we were all going to attend. It wasn't ...we think it's at 6:00. We still walked through the Cathedral......ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. We have walked all along the Seine River today. I have TONS of pictures that I would love to download on here, but I don't know how from here. I will download plenty when I get home.
For those of you that I gave this blog address to, be sure to leave a message and I will try to respond back tomorrow. Someone be sure to tell Mama that I miss calling her!! I started to call, but was afraid she wouldn't recognize the number.
Also a few other notes..... Thanks for all the prayers....they are surely felt as today was suppose to be a rainy , windy day. Instead, the sun has shown most of the day and it's rained only when we were inside eating lunch. It's been windy, but tolerable--except at the top of the Eiffel Tower!
I will try to update again tomorrow,
Take care and thanks again for the prayers!
Also, here's something that's funny that Mary and Sharon will recognize.....The steward on the plane was originally from Bordenlonville (sp?). He is also cousins with the Coco's that lived next to Aunt Dee. How bizerk is that?!?!?
Well, as you can expect we are all exhausted. All are up in the rooms "refreshing", so I'm headed that way. By the way, it's 5:20PM here!!